Annals of the University of Petrosani
- Economics -

The Annals of the University of Petrosani, Economics is an academic publication in Romania in the field of economics. The publication appeared for the first time in 2001 and it is edited entirely in English. The journal is published annually by University of Petrosani, Faculty of Sciences and published by the Universitas Publishing House with ISSN 1582-5949. From 2009 the journal is classified in the B+ Category (code 23) by the National Council of Scientific Research of Higher Education from Romania (CNCSIS).

Information Archive

Vol. XXIV - 2024
Vol. XXIII - 2023

Vol. XXII - 2022
Vol. XXI - 2021

Vol. XX - 2020
Vol. XIX - 2019
Vol. XVIII - 2018
Vol. XVII - 2017
Vol. XVI - 2016
Vol. XV - 2015
Vol. XIV - 2014
Vol. XIII - 2013
Vol. XII - 2012

Vol. XI - 2011
Vol. X - 2010
Vol. IX - 2009
Vol. VIII - 2008
Vol. VII - 2007
Vol. VI - 2006

The journal publishes theoretical studies and empirical articles from all economic fields, signed by various renowned personalities in Romania and other countries, and young researchers or teachers on their path to recognition. By its entire content, the Annals of the University of Petrosani, Economics is a valuable scientific resource, useful for all those interested in studies and research conducted by Romanian or foreign economists in various fields of academic and practical concern.

Topics addressed in the journal are diversified and regard various economic areas, from general economic theory, management, marketing, trade, finance, accounting, insurance, banking, stock exchange, economic analysis, international economic relations, to economic mathematics and informatics, financial and commercial law, sociological studies of economic phenomena, economic history.

Article Review Process

Articles submitted for publication in the journal should be sent electronically to There are no submission fees, and the journal follows a double-blind peer review process. Article-processing and publication are free of charge.
Each manuscript is initially reviewed by the editorial board to ensure its relevance to the journal's research topics and compliance with the author's guidelines. Articles that do not meet all the requirements are returned to the authors for revision.
The articles undergo double-blind peer review process, eligible papers are submitted to two external reviewers for scientific quality assessment. The outcome of this review process can result in one of the following decisions:

  • publish, a good paper;
  • publish after minor revision and improvements;
  • can be published only if major revisions and improvements are made;
  • reject, poor paper.

Articles that receive a positive review will be published. For those that do not meet the scientific standards, authors will be given feedback and suggestions for improvement. Once revisions are made, the articles will be resubmitted for evaluation following the process outlined above.
The articles are reviewed based on the following criteria:

  • originality, relevance and usefulness of research;
  • structure (title, abstract, key words, JEL classification, introduction, methodology and results, conclusions, references);
  • style, spelling and punctuation;
  • application of references;
  • emphasis on results, interpretations and conclusions (creativity level).

Open Access

Annals of the University of Petrosani - Economics is an open access journal aiming to promote scientific research in economics. Articles are available free online to professors, researchers, Ph.D. candidates, postgraduate and undergraduate students and other readers. Articles by issue and complete volumes are available at the Archive section.

Copyright policy

The submitted manuscript is an original work, the sole property of the author(s), has not been published elsewhere nor it is under consideration for publication by another conference or journal.​ ​The manuscript does not violate other copyright or proprietary right and it does not contain any denigrating, defamatory or confidential material liable to violate any law or contractual obligation. The author/s agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Annals of the University of Petroşani, Economics and its publisher from and against any and all legal fees, damages, or other costs resulting from proceedings related to this matter.​ ​The manuscript's copyright is fully transferred to the Annals of the University of Petroşani, Economics, which will hold full and exclusive rights to the manuscript, and ​authors are required to read, sign and return the Ethics and Copyright Statement to the journal. Readers are free to share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) or adapt (remix, transform, and build upon) the material for non-commercial purposes, so long as appropriate credit is given to the authors and the source of the work.

Inclusion in databases

The journal is indexed in the following international databases:

  • SCIPIO (Scientific Publishing & Information Online) - Link
  • RePEc (Research Papers in Economics)
  • D.O.A.J. (Directory of Open Access Journals) - Link
  • EBSCO Publishing Inc. - Link
  • Cabell’s - Link
  • IndexCopernicus Journals Master List - Link
  • ICAAP (International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publication) - Link
  • SOCIONET (Social Sciences Information Space) - Link
  • Genamics JournalSeek - Link
  • Electronic Journals Index (SJSU) - Link
  • Academic Journals Database - Link
  • EuroInternet  (The World Wide Web Virtual Library for European Integration) - Link
  • York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada - Link
  • Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, Mexic - Link
  • Columbia University Libraries, New York, U.S.A. - Link
  • University of Ottawa Library, Ontario, Canada - Link
  • University of the West Library, Rosemead, California, U.S.A. - Link
  • University of Nevada, Reno, U.S.A. - Link
  • Central University of Kerala, India - Link

The journal is indexed in the following international catalogues:


Imola DRIGĂ, Ph.D. Associate Prof.
University of Petrosani, Str. Universitatii, nr.20, Petrosani - 332006, jud. Hunedoara
Tel.: 0(04)0254/542.580, 542.581, int.219